Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Successful partnership for economic education

OLDENBURG. In February, representatives of Seaports of Niedersachsen, bremenports, BLG LOGISTICS, JadeWeserPort and the Institute for Economic Education (IÖB) met up in Oldenburg to take stock of the successes achieved by the “Maritime Wirtschaft und Logistik” (Maritime Economics and Logistics) education project, which was launched in 2006, as well as consider the next steps. Everyone soon agreed that the joint project, which provides teachers with workbooks, digital modules and an online portal for economics courses, should continue well into the future. But for 2024, the plan is to first revise and digitise some materials, including the popular “Wirtschaft im Hafen” (Port Economics) workbook, designed for secondary level I pupils, as well as developing new online modules for secondary level II.

Credits: Seaports of Niedersachsen

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