WILHELMSHAVEN, OLDENBURG, ELSFLETH. “Lost freight poses a high risk for the environment,” says Professor Christian Denker of Jade University’s Department of Maritime Studies and Logistics in Elsfleth.
New year reception: “Expanding competitiveness”
BREMEN/BERLIN. Many invited guests from politics, business and administration attended bremenports’ LOGISTICS TALK new year reception at the Bremen Representative Office in Berlin on 17 January to learn about projects associated with Bremen ports.
Port history in analogue and digital form
EMDEN. In late 2023, NPorts set up information boards featuring interesting facts about the seaport’s history at nine different locations at the Port of Emden, including the pumping station and the Outer Port.
DB Schenker with new contract logistics board
ESSEN. DB Schenker has appointed Dr Niklas Wilmking as Global Board Member for Contract Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
J. MÜLLER publishes its first Sustainability Report
BRAKE. Having embraced innovation for more than 200 years, J. MÜLLER published its first Sustainability Report in January in line with the company’s credo, “Staying the Course – Through the Ages”.
Argac is new CCO Germany at Hellmann
OSNABRÜCK. Early in the year, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics managed to secure Bora Argac (right) as new Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Germany.
Columbus Quay: fully on track!
BREMERHAVEN. Representatives of the project’s working group – Bremerhaven’s mayor Melf Grantz, the managing director of bremenports Robert Howe and Jens Diekmann of the Tagubau company – officially initiated the third and final phase of construction for the new Columbus Quay with the first pile at the end of November.
BBS celebrates 40 years of training ship mechanics
BREMERHAVEN. With an event on board the “Deutschland” training ship, Berufsbildungsstelle Seeschifffahrt (BBS) celebrated the 40th anniversary of its ship mechanic training programme in November.
Awards for maritime innovations from the north
HAMBURG. In November, the winners of the “MCN Cups 2023” (four categories) accepted their awards for sustainable maritime projects and products in the Helmut Schmidt Auditorium of the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg.
TO Group expands import department
BREMEN. Lena Danisch joined the Transport Overseas (TO) Group’s import department on 1 November.
Orsel is the first woman to head up ECSA
BRÜSSEL. Early in the new year, Dutch national Karin Orsel (CEO of the MF Shipping Group) became the first woman to head up the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA).
Vision of new lagoon and northern mole
BREMERHAVEN. The design for the new northern mole and the new lagoon at the Weser lido beach is currently under review by the relevant department, after which planning approval documentation will be submitted.
Port Director’s contract extended for five years
OLDENBURG. Holger Banik will continue managing the NPorts company and JadeWeserPort-Realisierungsgesellschaft until 2029.
Alexander Global Logistics expands management team
BREMEN. In an effort to consolidate its corporate management, Alexander Global Logistics appointed another three members to the management team on 1 January 2024. Monique Geisler (right) and Alexander Hellmers (centre) will now help Carsten Hellmers manage the daily operations of the logistics service provider based in Bremen.
A call for political consistency and investment
BERLIN, HAMBURG, BREMEN, ROSTOCK. According to an analysis conducted by the Offshore Wind Energy Foundation, which was published in December, the construction of new offshore wind farms could require up to 200 hectares of additional heavy-load-approved space at German seaports up through 2029 and billions in investment over the coming years.
New liner service for JadeWeserPort
WILHELMSHAVEN. Hapag-Lloyd added Wilhelmshaven to its Atlantic Loop 4 service in mid-January, which connects Northern Europe (Le Havre, London, Antwerp, Hamburg and JadeWeserPort) with the Gulf Coast (Veracruz, Altamira and Houston).
Certainty in uncertain times
BREMEN. The eleventh BHV Project Logistics Expert Forum was held at the Parliament House on 15 January in line with the motto “Ready for uncertain times”. Around 150 industry representatives discussed the current market situation as well as trends and future prospects again at this year’s event.
Oehlmann takes the helm at GDWS
BONN. The start of 2024 saw a change in top management at the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency (GDWS). Lawyer Eric Oehlmann took over from Hans-Heinrich Witte as President.
Two new global heads at Leschaco
BREMEN. With effect from 1 January, the Leschaco Group appointed David Williams (left) Global Head of Tank Containers. His predecessor, Maximilian Nause (right), has been named Global Head of Sales.
Northern Germany’s key role in the hydrogen economy
CUXHAVEN. More than 200 participants, including representatives of the five state governments of northern Germany and the energy and port industries, got together at the Cuxhaven HAPAG Hall in November for the first northern German hydrogen conference, where the importance of coastal states was discussed when it comes to ramping up Germany’s hydrogen economy as well as the seaports’ role in importing green and other fuels.
TO Group paves the way for the future
BREMEN. Matthias Wagner (centre) joined the Transport Overseas (TO) Group as Managing Director on 1 December, taking over from Christian Weber (left), who was appointed Managing Director of TO Global Holding as from 1 January 2024.
Three new board members for Offshore Wind Energy
BERLIN. The Offshore Wind Energy Foundation announced the newly appointed members of its executive board – Tim Meyerjürgens (TenneT), Dr Joyce von Marschall (RWE Offshore Wind) and Martin Gerhardt (Siemens Gamesa) – at its board meeting in December and began operating in its new configuration on 1 January.
Röhlig helps with third global charity initiative
BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics held its third global charity initiative at the end of 2023, with branches in around 30 countries donating to aid projects for people as well as environmental action and animal welfare projects, including the Paul Harris School in Chile, the Cancer Society in New Zealand and the Jakarta Animal Aid Network in Indonesia.
Stade jetty completed in record time
STADE. After only 330 construction days, NPorts handed over the jetty for liquefied gas in Stade (AVG Stade) to the operators just before Christmas.