Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics
New fuel from used oil

New fuel from used oil

BRAKE. With a workshop on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany launched the initiative for an HVO model region Unterweser this March in Brake.

Bremen-based ideas for the maritime hydrogen economy

Bremen-based ideas for the maritime hydrogen economy

DEN HELDER/BREMEN. Officially launched in Den Helder, Netherlands, in mid-February, the EU’s North Sea Hydrogen Valley Ports project is funded by the EU’s Interreg programme and aims to develop ports into central hubs for green hydrogen and power-to-X fuels like methanol and ammonia.

Green logistics for outer space

Green logistics for outer space

BREMEN. In February, actual rocket scientists encountered the world’s oldest maritime form of propulsion, sailing, at Neustädter Hafen.

New cold storage warehouse for NORDFROST

New cold storage warehouse for NORDFROST

SCHORTENS, WESEL. With a new cold storage warehouse at NORDFROST Port Terminal Wesel and topping-out ceremony in February, the deep-freeze logistics company plans to set “another milestone on its path to a sustainable supply chain”.

Meet & Greet: five in one fell swoop

Meet & Greet: five in one fell swoop

BREMEN. In late January, BHV – Bremische Hafen- und Logistikvertretung and bremenports hosted a Meet & Greet with five representatives of the Bremen ports at the Industrieclub.

A double premiere for CMA CGM Indianapolis

A double premiere for CMA CGM Indianapolis

BREMERHAVEN. At the end of February, Bremerhaven celebrated the launch of the CMA CGM Indianapolis, which was the shipping company’s first car carrier to moor there – at the BLG AutoTerminal.

From road to water

From road to water

BREMEN. The Innovative Waterway Transportation (InnoWaTr) project is dedicated to shifting containers off the road and onto the water and thus boosting climate-friendly inland waterway transport.

Successful partnership for economic education

Successful partnership for economic education

OLDENBURG. In February, representatives of Seaports of Niedersachsen, bremenports, BLG LOGISTICS, JadeWeserPort and the Institute for Economic Education (IÖB) met up in Oldenburg to take stock of the successes achieved by the “Maritime Wirtschaft und Logistik” (Maritime Economics and Logistics) education project, which was launched in 2006, as well as consider the next steps.

Nölke leaves the SPC for WAB

Nölke leaves the SPC for WAB

BONN. After more than 13 years as Managing Director, Markus Nölke left the ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion Center (SPC) on 29 February.

Climate-friendly shunting

Climate-friendly shunting

BREMEN. How do you ensure climate-friendly operation of shunter locomotives at ports in the future?

No expansion of offshore wind without seaports

No expansion of offshore wind without seaports

BERLIN. The port capacities along the German coast are insufficient to fulfil the legally stipulated expansion of offshore wind energy to 30 gigawatts by 2030 and 70 gigawatts by 2045.

A new managing director at DSV Air & Sea

A new managing director at DSV Air & Sea

BREMEN. During a round of personnel shake-ups in March, the Danish transport and logistics company DSV appointed Torge Koehnke (right) as the MD of DSV Air & Sea Germany.

NORDFROST expands capacities

NORDFROST expands capacities

SCHORTENS, HAMBURG. With effect from 1 February, the NORDFROST Group has taken over the business operations of GLS Grünwald Logistik Service, thus expanding its dry storage capacities near the Port of Hamburg to include two additional locations with a combined storage space of around 30,000 square metres.

Emden maintains position in top 3

Emden maintains position in top 3

EMDEN. In February, Manfred de Vries, Managing Director of Autoport Emden GmbH, announced that exactly 1,295,009 vehicles were transhipped at the Emden seaport in 2023, which was 182,592 more vehicles than in 2022, representing an increase of 16.4 per cent.

SPC brings JadeWeserPort on board

SPC brings JadeWeserPort on board

WILHELMSHAVEN. After winning over J. MÜLLER, the ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion Center was able to expand its membership with another key company from the German seaport transportation sector.

New crane for East Frisian ports

New crane for East Frisian ports

EMDEN, NORDEN. NPorts’ Emden and Norden branches acquired a new, powerful mobile crane at the end of 2023. “The Port of Emden needs its own crane – we were certain of that.

WHV and Shell in solidarity

WHV and Shell in solidarity

WILHELMSHAVEN. In January, Shell representatives and Wilhelmshavener WirtschaftsVereinigung (WHV) asked the state government of Lower Saxony to “immediately begin planning and executing the second stage of expanding JadeWeserPort as a multipurpose port, to work quickly and to complete construction as soon as possible”.

A drop in transhipment at seaports in Lower Saxony

A drop in transhipment at seaports in Lower Saxony

OLDENBURG. In February, Lower Saxony’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Housing and Digitalisation, Seaports of Niedersachsen and NPorts took stock and reported a drop in transhipment of seven per cent from 54 million tonnes to around 50 million tonnes for the nine seaports in Lower Saxony in 2023. Container and coal transhipment received the brunt of it.

BLG joins UN Global Compact Network Germany

BLG joins UN Global Compact Network Germany

BREMEN. A member of the UN Global Compact Network Germany since January, BLG LOGISTICS is, by own account, “again setting an example of responsible entrepreneurship”.