Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Personnel changes at shipping agents

BREMEN. The Schiffsmakler­Vereinigung für Küsten- und Seeschiffsbefrachter e. V. shipping agent association of Bremen voted in a new Management Board at its general assembly in October. The long-serving chairmen Uwe Meisner and Detlef Böse had previously given up their positions for age-related reasons. They were succeeded by Thorsten Fischer (1st Chaiperson, left) and Peter Langbein (2nd Chair person) in a unanimous vote. Frank Roelfs was appointed Secretary. Ulrike Rust remains in her role as Treasurer for the association.

Photos: Privat

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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