NORDENHAM. In September, Seaports of Niedersachsen welcomed over 200 guests from the port industry, politics and local government to the 32nd Port Day in Nordenham. Seaports MD Andreas Bullwinkel (2nd from left) presented the current developments in the nine Lower Saxony seaports and announced transshipment volume in maritime transport of roughly 20,824 million tonnes for the first half of 2024. This corresponds to a one per cent rise year-on-year. “Taking into account the special circumstances on the Huntebrücke, which seriously limited the strong Weser ports, this is a remarkable result,” said Bullwinkel. During the event, the mayor of Nordenham, Nils Siemen (right) also pointed out the growing importance of the port for Nordenham’s industrial base and thanked everyone involved for the swift repair of the auxiliary bridge over River Hunte.
Credits: Seaports of Niedersachsen