Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Captain’s Day in Bremen: more than tradition

BREMEN. On behalf of the Bremen Senate, Bremische Hafen- und Logistikvertretung hosted the 56th Captain’s Day, a long-standing tradition, on 1 September. Around 300 captains, maritime industry staff and politicians attended the event in the Upper Hall. Highlights included speeches by Volker Wissing (5th from right), Federal Minister for Digital and Transport, Andreas Bovenschulte (6th from right), Mayor of Bremen and President of the Bremen Senate, and Stephan Berger (right), Harbour Master and Head of Port Authority Bremen. During his welcome speech, Christoph Bruns (3rd from right), spokesman for the BHV executive committee, pointed out that around 40,000 people are active in logistics and the port industry in Bremen and Bremerhaven alone. “That’s why Captain’s Day is one of the major social events in our state, and rightfully so, as the maritime industry has shaped this region more than just about any other in Germany,” he emphasised

Credits: M. Bahlo

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