EKB Container Logistik is a company often referred to in the industry as the “Greens”. This is not only because the company logo is green but also due to the climate and environmental protection concept they implement in their day-to-day business. Credits: EKB “We’ve...
EMS Maritime Offshore is considered to be a German pioneer in transferring people to offshore wind turbines and has its own fleet of service vessels for its activities in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. In addition to offering port services, the company is also in...
Through the “Digital Weser” project, a shared platform will be developed to improve management of ship calls over the distance of the 35 river kilometres to the North Sea. Credits: AdobeStock/Mario Hagen Anyone interested in using terminal capacity efficiently and...
BREMEN. Berufsbildungsstelle Seeschifffahrt (BBS) presented three awards at the 17th Bremen Shipping Congress in October: “Excellent training company 2023”, “Excellent trainer 2023” and “Excellent instructor 2023”. Training shipping company AG EMS from Emden, trainer...
SCHOTENS. The sixth phase of construction on the NORDFROST Seaport Terminal kicked off at the Wilhelmshaven container port in November 2022. The new systems – a large container depot and a drying hall for project logistics – were officially inaugurated and...