Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics
From road to water

From road to water

BREMEN. The Innovative Waterway Transportation (InnoWaTr) project is dedicated to shifting containers off the road and onto the water and thus boosting climate-friendly inland waterway transport. In collaboration with 25 project partners based in Germany, Belgium, the...
Successful partnership for economic education

Successful partnership for economic education

OLDENBURG. In February, representatives of Seaports of Niedersachsen, bremenports, BLG LOGISTICS, JadeWeserPort and the Institute for Economic Education (IÖB) met up in Oldenburg to take stock of the successes achieved by the “Maritime Wirtschaft und Logistik”...
Fischer completes BVL management

Fischer completes BVL management

BREMEN. From 1 July 2024, Silke Fischer is Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the Supply Chain Network (BVL) in Bremen. The logistics expert and qualified engineer-economist will then manage the BVL headquarters with Managing Director Christoph Meyer. Most recently,...
Nölke leaves the SPC for WAB

Nölke leaves the SPC for WAB

BONN. After more than 13 years as Managing Director, Markus Nölke left the ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion Center (SPC) on 29 February. “We will miss Markus both professionally and personally,” said Wolfgang Nowak, Chairman of the SPC management board. “He...
Climate-friendly shunting

Climate-friendly shunting

BREMEN. How do you ensure climate-friendly operation of shunter locomotives at ports in the future? The sH2unter@ports joint project took a careful look at this question in February, when around 40 representatives of railway, consultancy and locomotive leasing...