EMDEN, NORDEN. NPorts’ Emden and Norden branches acquired a new, powerful mobile crane at the end of 2023. “The Port of Emden needs its own crane – we were certain of that. Especially for day-to-day port operations, we have to be flexible. I’m delighted that the new...
WILHELMSHAVEN. In January, Shell representatives and Wilhelmshavener WirtschaftsVereinigung (WHV) asked the state government of Lower Saxony to “immediately begin planning and executing the second stage of expanding JadeWeserPort as a multipurpose port, to work...
OLDENBURG. In February, Lower Saxony’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Housing and Digitalisation, Seaports of Niedersachsen and NPorts took stock and reported a drop in transhipment of seven per cent from 54 million tonnes to around 50 million tonnes for the...
BREMEN. A member of the UN Global Compact Network Germany since January, BLG LOGISTICS is, by own account, “again setting an example of responsible entrepreneurship”. The UN GCD is the world’s largest initiative for sustainable corporate management, offering companies...
According to the “Economic Costs of Climate Change” study, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany could face costs of up to 900 billion euros by the middle of the century. There are a wide range of reasons for this,...