New port railway
BREMERHAVEN. In November, the Bremen Senate and the Port Committee gave the go-ahead to reinforce the Bremen Port Railway even further. The primary aim is to expand the staging capacity at Speckenbüttel station in Bremerhaven, i.e. the track systems on which trains...
Hellmann with new management structure
OSNABRÜCK. The introduction of a new global management team at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics is aimed at raising its market share in all product areas. As a result, an additional Chief Operating Officer was appointed in January. Stefan Borggreve (2nd from right) and...
Maritime teaching award
HAMBURG. The German Maritime Centre (DMZ) presented awards for its “Excellence in Maritime Teaching” competition 2024 at the Bremen Shipping Congress in November. Third prize went to Malte Pertiet (r.) who lectures in nautical sciences and maritime traffic at the...