DUISBURG. The “Hafen trifft Festland” event series was held in May for the 40th time – in the city of Duisburg, home to Europe’s largest inland port. Organised by JadeWeserPort-Marketing, EUROGATE and Seaports of Niedersachsen, the event provided more than 120 guests with a chance to learn about opportunities in logistics at Lower Saxony’s ports. Besides Markus Bangen (Port of Duisburg), Katja Blessmann (Hapag-Lloyd) and Michael Kleifges (Duisburg Intermodal Terminal [DIT]), experts also included Niels Riedel (EUROGATE), Frank Erschkat (TFG Transfracht) and Hendrik Klar (ROLAND Umschlagsgesellschaft).
Credits: JadeWeserport